Paul R. Pillar, Consortium News: Hectoring Obama Over Syria

The U.S. punditocracy is pushing President Obama to intervene in the Syrian civil war and judging his diplomatic efforts a “failure” because little progress has been made. But the underlying assumption that U.S. military action can fix everything is dangerous, says ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. By Paul R. Pillar  February 13, 2014 It is easy More

Paul R. Pillar> Drawing Lessons from the Vietnam War

Drawing Lessons from the Vietnam War The Vietnam War may seem like ancient history to many Americans, but that destructive conflict holds important lessons for the present, especially the danger of “group think” driving foreign policy and the value of insights that clash with conventional wisdom, says ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. By Paul R. More

Paul R. Pillar> Drawing Lessons from the Vietnam War

Drawing Lessons from the Vietnam War The Vietnam War may seem like ancient history to many Americans, but that destructive conflict holds important lessons for the present, especially the danger of “group think” driving foreign policy and the value of insights that clash with conventional wisdom, says ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. By Paul R. More

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