Popular Resistance: A Winning Strategy For The Left

From the article: Activists’ decision to target corporations reflects a growing conviction that the government is unresponsive to popular demands because it is unwilling or unable to stop the abuses of the corporate world (this view is supported by recent statistical findings that “the public has little or no influence” on policy). While these movements can change corporate behavior, we believe that they can also influence government policy in ways that direct pressure on politicians cannot.

Poet Misty Rowan on Women, the Media, Drones, Community, and A Better World

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/70600553] Misty Rowan Peacestock 2013 from Bill Sorem PLUS 1 week ago ALL AUDIENCES Misty Rowan appeared at Peacestock 2013, sponsored by Veterans for Peace, July 13, 2013, Hagar City, WI.  Misty is a Twin Cities activist,  Anti-War Committee member, and a poet.  Her website is www.missteatree.com. Subscribe or “Follow” us on WAMMToday.org. For the TC EVENTS calendar and the More

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