FAIR: Refusing to Take Sides, NPR Takes Sides With Torture Deniers

 This notion that the goal of journalism is to avoid "taking sides" is troubling; that's how you get reporting that pretends it's an open question [for example] whether or not humans are raising the temperature of the planet by putting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. By Jim Naureckas  FAIR.org  December 12, 2014 National Public Radio, More

NPR> Simeone gets fired for demonstrating

NPR, Lisa Simeone and Biased Opera Reporting 10/20/2011 by Peter Hart   FAIR.org There’s quite a controversy brewing over freelance radio host Lisa Simeone for her participation with an activist group occupying a park in Washington, D.C. It’s a worth a look at how this unfolded– especially since it appears to have cost her one More

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