NCMR 2013 Interview with Jeff Cohen, Park Center for Independent Media

[youtube=]  freespeechtv·1,951 videos Published on Apr 5, 2013 Jeff Cohen, founder of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting and the Park Center for Independent Media talks with David Pakman about the future of media on Friday during the National Conference for Media Reform 2013 in Denver. Subscribe or “Follow” us on For the TC EVENTS calendar and the More

Glenn Greenwald> Secrecy creep

Secrecy creep Executive branch agencies have learned well from the Obama administration’s fixation on punishing whistleblowers BY GLENN GREENWALD   August 14, 2012  That the Obama administration has waged an unprecedented war on whistleblowers is by now well-known and well-documented, as is its general fixation on not just maintaining but increasing even the most extreme and absurd levels of secrecy. Unsurprisingly, this ethos — that the More

Glenn Greenwald> Secrecy creep

Secrecy creep Executive branch agencies have learned well from the Obama administration’s fixation on punishing whistleblowers BY GLENN GREENWALD   August 14, 2012  That the Obama administration has waged an unprecedented war on whistleblowers is by now well-known and well-documented, as is its general fixation on not just maintaining but increasing even the most extreme and absurd levels of secrecy. Unsurprisingly, this ethos — that the More

A Call to Action – Stop the Machine, October 6, Washington D.C.

A Call to Ac­tion - Oct. 6, 2011 and on­ward  October Oc­to­ber 2011 is the 10th an­niver­sary of the in­va­sion of Afghanistan and the be­gin­ning of the 2012 fed­eral aus­ter­ity bud­get. It is time to light the spark that sets off a true de­mo­c­ra­tic, non­vi­o­lent tran­si­tion to a world in which peo­ple are freed More

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