Digital Disconnect: Robert McChesney on “How Capitalism Is Turning the Internet Against Democracy”

Digital Disconnect: Robert McChesney on "How Capitalism Is Turning the Internet Against Democracy" — Video [youtube=] TRANSCRIPT This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: We are on the road in Denver, Colorado, at the first day of the National Conference for Media Reform, where close to 2,000 people have More

RT> Dictators Sponsor CNN | Interview with Amber Lyon – YouTube

Dictators Sponsor CNN | Interview with Amber Lyon [youtube=] Subscribe or “Follow” us on For the TC EVENTS calendar and the ACTIONS AND ACTION ALERTS click on the tab at the top of the page and click on the item of interest to view. WAMMToday is also on FACEBOOK! Check the WAMMToday page for posts from this blog and More

RT> Dictators Sponsor CNN | Interview with Amber Lyon – YouTube

Dictators Sponsor CNN | Interview with Amber Lyon [youtube=] Subscribe or “Follow” us on For the TC EVENTS calendar and the ACTIONS AND ACTION ALERTS click on the tab at the top of the page and click on the item of interest to view. WAMMToday is also on FACEBOOK! Check the WAMMToday page for posts from this blog and More

Chris Hedges> The Day That TV News Died

The Day That TV News Died "The lie of omission is still a lie. It is what these news celebrities do not mention that exposes their complicity with corporate power." By Chris Hedges   Posted on Mar 24, 2013 I am not sure exactly when the death of television news took place. The descent was gradual—a slide into the More

Chris Hedges> The Day That TV News Died

The Day That TV News Died "The lie of omission is still a lie. It is what these news celebrities do not mention that exposes their complicity with corporate power." By Chris Hedges   Posted on Mar 24, 2013 I am not sure exactly when the death of television news took place. The descent was gradual—a slide into the More

Silenced> Gender Gap in the 2012 Election Coverage

For a better view of this graphic, click here. Silenced: Gender Gap in Election Coverage via Media Reform Daily> June 1, 2012 Women are significantly under-represented in 2012 election coverage in major media outlets. In our analysis of news stories and transcripts from the past 6 months, men are much more likely to be More

Silenced> Gender Gap in the 2012 Election Coverage

For a better view of this graphic, click here. Silenced: Gender Gap in Election Coverage via Media Reform Daily> June 1, 2012 Women are significantly under-represented in 2012 election coverage in major media outlets. In our analysis of news stories and transcripts from the past 6 months, men are much more likely to be More

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