Tomgram: Arlie Hochschild, Trumping Environmentalism

I had come to visit Mike Schaff because he seemed to embody an increasingly visible paradox that had brought me to this heartland of the American right. What would happen, I wondered, if a man who saw “big government” as the main enemy of local community, who felt a visceral dislike of government regulations and celebrated the free market, was suddenly faced with the ruin of his community at the hands of a private company? What if, beyond any doubt, that loss could have been prevented by government regulation?

Juan Thompson: Did the US Prison Boom Lead to the Crime Drop? New Study Says No

While Law and order politicians certainly deserve blame for Louisiana’s massive prison population, the anti-black prison industrial complex, and the for-profit jail industry, have proven to be lucrative hustles for local authorities. “Additionally, the sheriffs are given financial incentive in order to keep their local jails full. They are actually paid per inmate,” Eisen said.

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