The Most Censored Stories of the Year, Rising Up with Andy Lee Roth

The Most Censored Stories of the Year BY SONALI KOLHATKAR  YES Magazine  December 8, 2023 Each year, Project Censored publishes its annual survey of independent journalism, State of the Free Press, consisting of stories that corporate news media failed to cover or badly misrepresented. Project Censored, whose mission is to “expose and oppose news censorship and … promote independent investigative More

Noam Chomsky: “We’re on the Road to a Form of Neofascism”

As the class war intensifies, the basic logic of capitalism manifests itself with brutal clarity: We have to maximize profit and power even though we know we are racing to suicide by destroying the environment that sustains life, not sparing ourselves and our families.    Trump supporters near the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, More

Hedges: Jesus, Endless War, and the Rise of American Fascism

"The Democratic Party’s hypocrisy and duplicity is the fertilizer for Christian fascism. Its exclusive focus on the culture wars and identity politics at the expense of economic, political, and social justice fueled a right-wing backlash and stoked the bigotry, racism, and sexism it sought to curtail."

Noam Chomsky on Rising Fascism in U.S., Class Warfare and the Climate Emergency

"And it’s not just the pandemic. Much worse than that are the attitudes of skepticism about global warming. So, one rather shocking fact that I learned recently is that during the Trump years, among Republicans, the belief that global warming is a serious problem — not even an urgent problem, just a serious problem — declined about 20%."

Trump: Behind your back and in your backyard

Here are just a few of the Trump administration actions that have come into my email box in the last few days.  Click the titles to read more and take action. The Wilderness Society: The Trump Administration is Stealing YOUR Land The Nation: The Department of Justice Is Overseeing the Resegregation of American Schools CMD: Ambitious Effort More

Chris Hedges | The Elites Won’t Save Us 

The tension between the Trump White House and segments of the establishment, including the courts, the intelligence community and the State Department, has been misconstrued as evidence that the elites will remove Trump from power.

Chris Hedges | The Elites Won’t Save Us 

The tension between the Trump White House and segments of the establishment, including the courts, the intelligence community and the State Department, has been misconstrued as evidence that the elites will remove Trump from power.

Ed Dickinson | Eulogy for David Skeie the 40 years that I have known Dave Skeie, I have never known a single person who did not like him, such was the power he had to connect with people, often people very different from himself.

Aviva Shen: Six Things Nelson Mandela Believed that Most People Won’t Talk About

 As the world remembers Mandela, here are some of the things he believed that many will gloss over Aviva Shen  Published: Sunday 8 December 2013 . In the desire to celebrate Nelson Mandela’s life — an iconic figure who triumphed over South Africa’s brutal apartheid regime — it’s tempting to homogenize his views into More

Video> Saying No To Corporate Greed Gets Union Support at OccupyMpls

[youtube] Uploaded by UpTakeVideo on Oct 30, 2011 A few months ago, people marching against corporate greed might have been perceived as wasting their time. This weekend in downtown Minneapolis normally disinterested bystanders gave the protesters their enthusiastic backing. The message that "corporate greed is killing us" is resonating with average citizens as government statistics now show More

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