Noam Chomsky: My Hopes for the Future

Destruction of ISIS by any means that can be imagined might lay the basis for something worse, as has been happening quite regularly with military intervention. The state system in the region imposed by French and British imperial might after World War I, with little concern for the populations under their control, is unraveling.

Diana Johnstone: US Uses Past Crimes to Legalize Future Ones

Justifying the Unjustifiable by DIANA JOHNSTONE  August 26, 2013 Paris. The liberal warhawks are groping around for a pretext they can call “legal” for waging war against Syria, and have come up with the 1999 “Kosovo war”. This is not surprising insofar as a primary purpose of that US/NATO 78-day bombing spree was always More

Brendan O'Neill> Syria: how the West is sanctioning sectarianism

Syria: how the West is sanctioning sectarianism  Brendan O’Neill   Monday 13 August 2012   Spiked In the name of making a PR performance of their moral resolve, Western governments are meddling in Syria in an ever-more lethal way. For a textbook example of how Western meddling in other states’ affairs makes bad situations worse, look no More

Brendan O’Neill> Syria: how the West is sanctioning sectarianism

Syria: how the West is sanctioning sectarianism  Brendan O’Neill   Monday 13 August 2012   Spiked In the name of making a PR performance of their moral resolve, Western governments are meddling in Syria in an ever-more lethal way. For a textbook example of how Western meddling in other states’ affairs makes bad situations worse, look no More

News About Libya: Al Qaeda, NATO, U.S. Alliance

The U.S.-Al Qaeda Alliance: Bosnia, Kosovo and Now Libya. Washington's On-Going Collusion with Terrorists The Liberation of Libya: NATO Special Forces and Al Qaeda Join Hands. 'Former Terrorists' Join the 'Pro-Democracy' Bandwagon How al-Qaeda got to rule in Tripoli by Pepe Escobar  BREAKING NEWS: CIA Recruits 1,500 Jihadists in Afghanistan to Fight in More

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