Rise Up Times, Media for Justice and Peace, September/October Summary

Share Tweet Forward DONATE TODAY Media for Justice and Peace New Posts for September/October, 2023 PLEASE SHARE WIDELY Rise Up Times: Articles of substance you won’t find in the mainstream corporate media Art by Cartoonist Mr. Fish Chris Hedges Report: Israel’s Long War on Gaza with Norman Finkelstein Mass Protests Have Failed To Bring More

Henry A. Giroux: Education as the Heart of the Struggle for America

In the end, there is no democracy without informed citizens and no justice without a language critical of injustice. Democracy begins to fail and political life becomes impoverished in the absence of those vital public spheres such as public and higher education in which civic values, public scholarship and social engagement allow for a more imaginative grasp of a future that takes seriously the demands of justice, equity and civic courage.

Sara Thomsen: Freedom Song

Oh, blowing wind Where do we begin? Have you any answers now? Can you tell us how? https://youtu.be/biBHk6N8KLU Freedom Song Sara Thomsen Lyrics Oh, blade of grass Can I ask you Where is the road to peace? Tell me, please. Oh, singing bird What are the words To the freedom songs you sing? Oh, More

A Better Place: Playing for Change, Song Around the World

Some inspiration after days of protest, police violence, and demands for Justice for George and all that implies about changing a system that promotes racism and poverty except for a few who oppress and exploit the many. https://youtu.be/ZVHOqrw3Jks Playing For Change Get this song on our album "PFC 3: Songs Around The World": http://bit.ly/PFC3SATW This More

BAR Book Forum: Keisha Blain’s “Set the World on Fire,” by Roberto Sirvent

“It is impossible to understand, or even fully appreciate, how black women have shaped national and global politics today without knowing the larger history.” Roberto Sirvent, BAR Book Forum Editor  Black Agenda Report  May 23, 2018 Keisha Blain In this series, we ask acclaimed authors to answer five questions about their book. Today’s featured author More

BAR Book Forum: Keisha Blain’s "Set the World on Fire," by Roberto Sirvent

“It is impossible to understand, or even fully appreciate, how black women have shaped national and global politics today without knowing the larger history.” Roberto Sirvent, BAR Book Forum Editor  Black Agenda Report  May 23, 2018 Keisha Blain In this series, we ask acclaimed authors to answer five questions about their book. Today’s featured author More

Chris Hedges | The Visionless Society

“Can there be a democracy when you don’t have a competitive electoral system?” he asked. “No. Can there be a democracy when people who come in second win the election? No. Can there be a democracy when it’s tougher to get on the ballot than in any other Western country in the world by an order of magnitude? No. Can there be a democracy when money rules? And not just the money that politicians raise, but the third-party money. No. Can there be a democracy when people have no influence on the military budget? No. It’s not subjected to hearings. It’s ratified on the floor of the House and Senate, but it doesn’t go through the appropriations process.

Chris Hedges | The Visionless Society

“Can there be a democracy when you don’t have a competitive electoral system?” he asked. “No. Can there be a democracy when people who come in second win the election? No. Can there be a democracy when it’s tougher to get on the ballot than in any other Western country in the world by an order of magnitude? No. Can there be a democracy when money rules? And not just the money that politicians raise, but the third-party money. No. Can there be a democracy when people have no influence on the military budget? No. It’s not subjected to hearings. It’s ratified on the floor of the House and Senate, but it doesn’t go through the appropriations process.

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