Video. Chris Hedges | Days of Revolt: Neoliberalism as Utopianism

Saul: And what they did, most universities, was they did an intellectual cleansing of the economic historians to remove the possibility of doubt, the possibility of speculation on ideas, leaving these sort of hapless--mainly hapless macroeconomists, who fell quite easily into the hands, frankly, of the ideologues, the neoliberals, neoconservatives...

Chris Hedges: The Myth of the Free Press

The mass media, as  [C. Wright] [Mills] wrote, exist primarily to help citizens feel they are successful and that they have met their aspirations even if they have not. They use language and images to manipulate and form opinions, not to foster genuine democratic debate and conversation... By Chris Hedges  October 26, 2014 Screen shot More

Chris Hedges: The Imperative of Revolt

The endless election cycles, he said, are an example of politics without politics, driven not by substantive issues but manufactured political personalities and opinion polls. There is no national institution in the United States “that can be described as democratic,” [Wolin] said.   Protesters chant as they are arrested at the intersection of Wall Street and More

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