John Pilger: We are Spartacus

From Washington and London, the virulence has no limit. Israel, the colonial anachronism and unleashed attack dog, is armed to the teeth and granted historical impunity so that ‘we’ the West ensure the blood and tears never dry in Palestine.

Latin America Update, June 21, 2019: Honduran Military Deployed, The King Report; Roger Harris, Danny Sjursen, John Pilger

Several articles are included. Access the full articles by clicking on the title. +++ Honduran President Deploys Military Across Nation Amid Chaos Telesur  June 20, 2019 Honduran police using suppression techniques to dispel students, teachers, and doctors protesting against the Honduran president's neoliberal policies. | Photo: EFE President Juan Orlando Hernandez (JOH) announced orders to the More

Rise Up Times Weekly Summary September 24, 2017

Media for Justice and Peace To learn more about Rise Up Times and support Media for the People! with a donation Click here. People Powered Media! Your donation is needed today.  Also recommended: Click on the links by subject at the top of the page: descriptive links to articles with important commentary have been posted on these links. Go to to see the website posts, or you More

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