Diane Johnstone: Turning the Cradle of Civilization Into its Graveyard

Johnstone: Western leaders share major responsibility for making much of the world unfit for normal human habitation. And so far, they are getting away with it. The massive refugee crisis swamping Europe is just the beginning of the troubles that these unscrupulous leaders have brought on their own countries.

WAMM: The Truth About the Assault on Gaza

Richard Falk: For 51 days between July 7 and August 26, 2014, Israel carried out its third major military assault (2008-09; 2012; 2014) on Gaza in the past six years. This last one, code named Operation Protective Edge by the Israeli army, was the most vicious...

Richard Silverstein: It’s Time To Hold Israel, Israelis and American Zionists Financially Responsible For Terrorism

Silverstein: Press reports this week speak of an imminent deal in which Israel and Turkey would resolve their differences, resume diplomatic relations and Israel would end the siege against Gaza. It’s not known what the final outcome will be regarding damages, but certainly Israel will be forced to acknowledge responsibility for the attack and pay compensation to the victims.

Nonviolent Resistance In Palestine: Steadfastness, Creativity & Hope

“We have to have hope to resist” As the Stop the Wall Coalition demonstrates, steadfastness (sumud) in Arabic and nonviolent discipline are essential ingredients of a successful movement. Members of the village communities have learned that they must continue to struggle, day by day, week by week, despite the violence directed at them. Freedom does not come easy. “You have to be willing to sacrifice for freedom, and above all else, believe in your cause and what you’re struggling for. If you believe, you will continue, if you continue, you will succeed.”

Tomgram: Sandy Tolan, The One-State Conundrum

Tolan: In June 2010, I began to document his dream -- now a reality -- to build a music school in occupied Palestine. Now, his SUV bound for Sebastia is cutting through the West Bank, a land smaller than the state of Delaware but dotted with more than 600 checkpoints, earthen barriers, and other obstacles to normal travel.

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