Noam Chomsky: My Hopes for the Future

Destruction of ISIS by any means that can be imagined might lay the basis for something worse, as has been happening quite regularly with military intervention. The state system in the region imposed by French and British imperial might after World War I, with little concern for the populations under their control, is unraveling.

VIDEO: CrossTalk | Syrian fault lines

In the wake of Turkey’s intentional downing of a Russian jet over Syrian airspace it appears the wrong lessons are being learned. Instead of greater cooperation to fight terrorism, we see the US doubling down on its failed policy. Events are spinning out of control as Syria turns into a battleground for military More

Dave Lindorff: The US Media and Propaganda

Lindorff: 10: If the US provides funds to organizations inside another country, which then organize protests, marches and bloody assaults, and ultimately drive the elected government out of office, as the US did in Ukraine, is that subversion? Objective answer: Yes US media answer: No

The Empire of Chaos: An Interview With Noam Chomsky

Chomsky: The interests of US power and of the people of the United States are often quite different, as is commonly the case elsewhere as well. The official US interest is to eliminate Assad, and naturally Russian support for Assad poses a threat to that. And the confrontation not only is harmful, if not catastrophic, for Syria, but also carries a threat of accidental escalation that could be catastrophic far beyond.

Mnar Muhawesh | War, Media, Propaganda: Muslims As ‘Other’ — A Personal Narrative of Islamophobia

Muhawesh: Take the Iraq War, for example, which is many things to different people. If we look at Hollywood war porn propaganda movies like “American Sniper,” the Iraq War was a patriotic mission defending American freedoms and values. Even though the movie was released, 12 years after 9/11, the producers attempted to insult our intelligence by rewriting the U.S. destruction of Iraq by tying 9/11 to Saddam Hussein, to justify that war.

Top Censored Stories of 2015

Mass bee die-offs, the dizzying wealth of the world’s 1%, U.S. military expansion -- the corporate media might not be talking about it, but Project Censored’s Mickey Huff doesn’t shy away from discussing these topics with Mnar Muhawesh on “Behind the Headline.”

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