Chris Hedges Gives a Heartbreaking Speech on “Wages of Rebellion” (Video)

 Chris Hedges speaks at Community Worker Program's Tommy Douglas Institute May 2015. Lucideans Published on Apr 20, 2016 Media for the people!  Click here to help Rise Up Times continue to bring you vital analysis of and commentary about current issues you won’t find in the mainstream corporate media.  

Tom Engelhardt: Remembrance of Wars Past | Why There Is No Massive Antiwar Movement in the US

...if much in the American way of war remains dismally familiar some five decades later, one thing of major significance has changed, something you can see regularly in I.F. Stone’s Weekly but not in our present world. Thirteen years after our set of disastrous wars started, where is the massive antiwar movement, including an army in near revolt and a Congress with significant critics in significant positions?

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