William Rivers Pitt | Land of the Free, Unless You're a Woman

"....With Tuesday’s orders, the conservative majority has effectively endorsed the idea that religious objections to insurance that covers any form of preventative healthcare for women have merit." By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout | Op-Ed  Friday, 04 July 2014 09:15 Rise Up Times Editor's Note:  Across the world women are under attack. Women in America did not expect these attacks to More

William Rivers Pitt | Land of the Free, Unless You’re a Woman

"....With Tuesday’s orders, the conservative majority has effectively endorsed the idea that religious objections to insurance that covers any form of preventative healthcare for women have merit." By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout | Op-Ed  Friday, 04 July 2014 09:15 Rise Up Times Editor's Note:  Across the world women are under attack. Women in America did not expect these attacks to More

â–¶ Mark Fiore Cartoon: Religious Liberty for Corporations

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/90190228]   Click Watch On Vimeo to view animated cartoon. By Mark Fiore   truthdig.com  March 27, 2014 The Hobby Lobby case, which will determine whether corporations have religious freedom and thus the right to deny their workers contraception despite the contraceptive mandate in the Affordable Care Act, is being heard by the Supreme Court. Read More

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