Meet the Censored: Hitler, by Matt Taibbi

"Asking computer programs to sort out the subtleties of different types of speech — differences between commentary and advocacy, criticism and incitement, reporting and participation — has proven a disaster."

David Swanson | Talking About Forgiveness

A U.S. Air Force officer recently said that a tool that would allow dropping food accurately to starving people in Syria would not be used for such a purely humanitarian operation because it costs $60,000. Yet the U.S. military is blowing through tens of billions of dollars on killing people there, and hundreds of billions of dollars every year on maintaining the ability to do the same all over the world.

Sanjay Perera |The economy of violence: Waste, expenditure and surplus

As we have seen there has largely been the channeling and misuse of energy and resources in economies that could have been used to generate abundance, but are used instead for production that involves unconscionable waste of resources and life forms. There is a framework of duality and polarity in which one group extracts from another mercilessly. The extraction of resources from the planet and all life forms results in an inordinate accumulation and hoarding of resources and wealth that is redistributed primarily amongst those who already have plenty.

The Tragedy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Hans von Dohnanyi

The Tragedy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Hans von Dohnanyi To oppose such a [the Nazi] regime was rare, and to do so in order to protect the sanctity of law and faith was rarer still. We are concerned here with two exceptional men who from the start of the Third Reich opposed the Nazi outrages: More

Song> It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Hitler

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Hitler Tune: It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas Words by John Slade It's beginning to look a lot like Hitler Ev'rywhere you go; Just like it was then, listening once again As racist hate and propaganda flow  It's beginning to look a lot like Hitler Cameras More

Terror in Norway: a political analysis, by Ed Felien

Terror in Norway: a political analysis BY ED FELIEN   Southside Pride  August 2, 2011 On Friday, July 25, Anders Breivik, a right-wing Christian fundamentalist who hated Muslims, set off a bomb in downtown Oslo destroying a building that contained the office of Jens Stoltenberg, the Labor Party prime minister, killing 8 people. He then More

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