Ralph Nader: Who Will Go After Trump’s Corporate Socialism?

The original doctrine of socialism meant government ownership of the means of production—heavy industries, railroads, banks, and the like. Nobody in national politics today is suggesting such a takeover. As one quipster put it, “How can Washington take ownership of the banks when the banks own Washington?” Consumer rights advocate and former presidential candidate Ralph More

Nobel Peace Laureates to Human Rights Watch: Close Your Revolving Door to U.S. Government

The leading human rights organization's close ties to the U.S. government call its independence into question. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons alternet.org  May 12, 2014  The following letter was sent today to Human Rights Watch's Kenneth Roth on behalf of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and Mairead Maguire; former UN Assistant Secretary General Hans More

John Stauber> The Progressive Movement as PR Front

Paid to Lose The Progressive Movement as PR Front by JOHN STAUBER  WEEKEND EDITION MARCH 15-17, 2013  Counterpunch.org Editor's Note:  This article should be read in conjunction with Chris Hedges "The Day That TV News Died" to understand the role of the corporate mainstream and progressive media. There is good news in the Boston Globe today for More

John Stauber> The Progressive Movement as PR Front

Paid to Lose The Progressive Movement as PR Front by JOHN STAUBER  WEEKEND EDITION MARCH 15-17, 2013  Counterpunch.org Editor's Note:  This article should be read in conjunction with Chris Hedges "The Day That TV News Died" to understand the role of the corporate mainstream and progressive media. There is good news in the Boston Globe today for More

Skelton> The Guardian> The Syrian opposition: who’s doing the talking?

The Syrian opposition: who’s doing the talking? The media have been too passive when it comes to Syrian opposition sources, without scrutinising their backgrounds and their political connections. Time for a closer look … Charlie Skelton   guardian.co.uk   Thursday 12 July 2012 10.48 EDT Click> Video> Inside Syria – Has the UN observer mission failed in Syria? The More

Skelton> The Guardian> The Syrian opposition: who’s doing the talking?

The Syrian opposition: who’s doing the talking? The media have been too passive when it comes to Syrian opposition sources, without scrutinising their backgrounds and their political connections. Time for a closer look … Charlie Skelton   guardian.co.uk   Thursday 12 July 2012 10.48 EDT Click> Video> Inside Syria – Has the UN observer mission failed in Syria? The More

Skelton> The Guardian> The Syrian opposition: who’s doing the talking?

The Syrian opposition: who’s doing the talking? The media have been too passive when it comes to Syrian opposition sources, without scrutinising their backgrounds and their political connections. Time for a closer look … Charlie Skelton   guardian.co.uk   Thursday 12 July 2012 10.48 EDT Click> Video> Inside Syria – Has the UN observer mission failed in Syria? The More

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