The Truth Behind the Headlines with Lee Camp and Abby Martin

Lee Camp speaks with Abby Martin, a cutting-edge investigative journalist and host of Empire Files who calls out the US war machine. Lee then discusses how the systems that rely on our ignorance are now trying to come up with ways to keep us dumb.   ◊   ◊   ◊   ◊   ◊   ◊   ◊  More

Killing Gaza, by Chris Hedges

"...what about the survivors? How can they heal the scars imposed on their psyches? The youth of Gaza has grown up through three wars, each more devastating than the last.

Sara Olson | Apartheid for Palestinians

American aid is predicated on the supposed shared values between the United States and Israel. What are these values? Mutual disdain for Islam? Hatred and demonization of Iran? Establishment of a state religion...

Sara Olson | Apartheid for Palestinians

American aid is predicated on the supposed shared values between the United States and Israel. What are these values? Mutual disdain for Islam? Hatred and demonization of Iran? Establishment of a state religion...

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