The Intercept: The Surveillance Engine: How the NSA Built Its Own Secret Google

The Brennan Center’s Goitein said it appeared that with ICREACH, the government “drove a truck” through loopholes that allowed it to circumvent restrictions on retaining data about Americans. This raises a variety of legal and constitutional issues, according to Goitein, particularly if the data can be easily searched on a large scale by agencies like the FBI and DEA for their domestic investigations.

[Video] The Young Turks: NSA Spying – Hayden Smears Snowden

[youtube=]  The Young Turks Published on Aug 13, 2013 "...Just yesterday, Face the Nation featured [Michael] Hayden as the premiere guest to speak authoritatively about how trustworthy the NSA is, how safe it keeps us, and how wise President Obama is for insisting that all of its programs continue. As usual, no mention was made of More

'Beyond Orwellian': Outrage Follows Revelations of Vast Domestic Spying Program & Petition

FISA court order 'broadest surveillance order ever issued' against private citizens - Jon Queally, staff writer Published on Thursday, June 6, 2013 by Common Dreams  Update: (3:59 PM) As government officials and Verizon itself responded to the Guardian's NSA domestic spying story throughout the day, concern over the program's scope and implications only deepened among its army of critics. Responding to the More

‘Beyond Orwellian’: Outrage Follows Revelations of Vast Domestic Spying Program & Petition

FISA court order 'broadest surveillance order ever issued' against private citizens - Jon Queally, staff writer Published on Thursday, June 6, 2013 by Common Dreams  Update: (3:59 PM) As government officials and Verizon itself responded to the Guardian's NSA domestic spying story throughout the day, concern over the program's scope and implications only deepened among its army of critics. Responding to the More

Democracy Now!> National Security Agency Whistleblower William Binney on Growing State Surveillance

Exclusive: National Security Agency Whistleblower William Binney on Growing State Surveillance April 20, 2012     Democracy Now! [youtube] In his first television interview since he resigned from the National Security Agency over its domestic surveillance program, William Binney discusses the NSA’s massive power to spy on Americans and why the FBI raided his home after More

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