Diana Johnstone: US foreign policy is a cruel sport

What is truly diabolical is that, while constantly accusing the Russian bear of plotting to expand, the whole policy is directed at goading it into expanding!  Because then we can issue punishing sanctions, raise the Pentagon budget a few notches higher and tighten the NATO Protection Racket noose tighter around our precious European “allies.”

Diana Johnstone: The Imperialism of Foolery

"The real existing conflict in Syria today is not between Bachar al Assad and 65 exiled intellectuals.  Proclaiming “support” for Westernized intellectual opponents of Assad is totally irrelevant to the existing situation. "

Hillary Clinton: the Queen of Chaos and the Threat of World War III

My answer to the first part of the question is that “voting for Hillary because she is a woman” makes no sense to me at all. Yes, women should get together for causes that affect women in general...But Hillary Clinton is an individual, she is not women in general. Women together might fight for women’s right to be elected President, but that right exists. It cannot be reduced to one particular woman’s right to be President.

Interview with Diana Johnstone, Paris-based American Journalist

Diana Johnstone’s many articles, including the recent, “France Under the Influence: The ambiguity of Charlie Hebdo,” have been featured in numerous international magazines and on news sites. A distinguished researcher and commentator on global politics, Diana holds a PhD from the University of Minnesota and was active in the movement against the Vietnam War, organizing the first international contacts between American citizens and Vietnamese representatives. She is a member of Women Against Military Madness (WAMM).

Diana Johnstone: Washington’s Iron Curtain in Ukraine

Tightening the U.S. Grip on Western Europe by DIANA JOHNSTONE  Counterpunch.org  Weekend Edition June 6-8, 2014 NATO leaders are currently a cting out a deliberate charade in Europe, designed to reconstruct an Iron Curtain between Russia and the West. With astonishing unanimity, NATO leaders feign surprise at events they planned months in advance. Events that More

Diana Johnstone: To Understand or Not to Understand Putin

That's the Question... By DIANA JOHNSTONE  Counterpunch.org  May 8, 2014 Paris. In Germany these days, very many citizens object to the endless Russia-bashing of the NATO-oriented mainstream media.  They may point out that the U.S.-backed regime change in Kiev, putting in power an ultra-right transitional government eager to join NATO, posed an urgent threat to preservation More

Diana Johnstone: Obama Endorses a Forgery

The Smoking Pop-Gun by DIANA JOHNSTONE  April 21, 2014  Counterpunch.org On Friday, April 18, President Obama voiced his righteous indignation over anti-Semitic fliers pasted on synagogue walls in the pro-Russian eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk.  The fliers, calling on all Jews to register or face expulsion, had appeared the day before and were instantly denounced More

Diana Johnstone: Ukraine and Yugoslavia

“I sometimes get the feeling that somewhere across that huge puddle, in America, people sit in a lab and conduct experiments, as if with rats, without actually understanding the consequences of what they are doing.” – Vladimir Putin, 4 March 2014 Vladimir Putin (en.wikipedia.org) Diana Johnstone  March 21, 2014 Paris. Five years ago, I wrote a More

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