UPDATE ON THE FLOTILLA: Food and Medical Supplies for Gaza STOPPED

Coleen Rowley: “I have to say how disappointed we are - and actually horrified - that such powerful, corrupt government forces can connive to prevent food, medicine, and humanitarian aid from reaching disease and famine-stricken Gaza. It’s evil!” Barry Riesch: “Stopping the boat shows that Israel is intimidated by us and that our own country cares more about supporting Israel’s illegal blockade and genocide than helping U.S. citizens deliver aid to Gaza. They can stop the flotilla today, but it will come back even stronger.”

Two Ceasefires Now! Gaza and Ukraine

A CEASEFIRE NOW! is called for in two wars the U.S. government is deeply involved in, shipping weapons and providing financial support. Neither of these wars benefits the American people, whose tax money is supporting death and destruction and taking tax money away from needed help for the hungry, sick, and homeless.

Jeffrey Sachs: A Debt Crisis or Backdoor Extortion?

Sachs estimates US debt at $ 24 trillion dollars, much of it the result of US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Ukraine, as well the maintenance of 800 military bases abroad, development of new weapons systems, and a nuclear rearmament program in violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which the US ratified over 50 years ago.

Building a Visionary Antiwar Movement, Code Pink

As we're seeing the four interlocking evils of systemic racism, poverty, militarism, and ecological devastation at full force with war profiteers making record profits as millions fall into poverty, our reproductive rights are stripped, and deadly shootings become part of our daily reality, as our environmental devastation worsens, now is the time to come together.

Campaign Nonviolence: Divest From Violence & Reinvest in a Just World

This special webinar is offered in support of Campaign Nonviolence Action Days' Sept 26th "Divest From Violence Day". On this day, we ask you to join us in taking action to stop money from going into industries that manufacture violence, including guns, weapons, nukes, prisons, and fossil fuels. The webinar on May 18th will cover what divestment is all about, how to research your banks and other groups, and how to take action.

Resisting Drone Terror: Behind the Scenes of Shut Down Creech!

This fall will mark the 12th year CODEPINK, Veterans for Peace and allies have gathered at Creech Air Force Base for weeklong, nonviolent actions to resist the U.S. drone assassination program! About Shut Down Creech! Shut Down Creech! is a national mobilization of nonviolent resistance to shut down killer drone operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, More

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