Matt Ehling: The Marv Davidov files | A life under surveillance

Ehling: Among Twin Cities peace activists, Marv Davidov was a long-time fixture. A proponent of nonviolent direct action, Davidov was heavily involved in the civil-rights movement and later actively opposed the Vietnam War through protests and pickets. Starting in the late 1960s, his anti-war activism focused on the Honeywell Corp. — then a Minneapolis-based armaments manufacturer.

Anything goes: the new FBI guidelines, Center for Constitutional Rights

Anything goes: the new FBI guidelines From The Progressive Media Project By Michael Ratner and Margaret Ratner Kunstler, June 21, 2010 The FBI should not be given more power to spy on dissenters in America. In fact, it should not have that power at all. Once upon a time, the FBI could investigate a person or More

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