Tomgram: Christian Parenti, Big Storms Require Big Government

Tomgram: Christian Parenti, Big Storms Require Big Government Posted by Christian Parenti at 9:11am, January 26, 2012   TomDispatch  At some basic level, climate change shouldn’t be hard to grasp.  Fossil-fuel burning — the essence of our civilization since the industrial revolution — dumps prodigious amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere.  As it happens, 2010 was More

Christian Parenti> Why Climate Change Will Make You Love Big Government

Why Climate Change Will Make You Love Big Government A Secret History of Free Enterprise and the Government That Made It Possible  By Christian Parenti   TomDispatch Look back on 2011 and you’ll notice a destructive trail of extreme weather slashing through the year. In Texas, it was the driest year ever recorded.  An epic drought there killed half More

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