Greenwald, Snowden, the NSA, Security & Freedom, Free Press & Journalism

The Personal Side of Taking on the NSA By Glenn Greenwald  27 June 13 , Anow, Guardian UK via Reader Supported News When I made the choice to report aggressively on top-secret NSA programs, I knew that I would inevitably be the target of all sorts of personal attacks and smears. You don't challenge the More

Greenwald, Snowden, the NSA, Security & Freedom, Free Press & Journalism

The Personal Side of Taking on the NSA By Glenn Greenwald  27 June 13 , Anow, Guardian UK via Reader Supported News When I made the choice to report aggressively on top-secret NSA programs, I knew that I would inevitably be the target of all sorts of personal attacks and smears. You don't challenge the More

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