SWLRT SNAFU: Southwest Light Rail Train—Situation Normal All “Fouled” Up

The over-budget will be paid exclusively by Hennepin County taxpayers. Hennepin County’s 2023 population was 1,320,307. With a $1,000,000,000 debt that would be about $1,000 of “cost-sharing” owed by each man, woman and child in the county. SWLRT SNAFU: Southwest Light Rail Train—Situation Normal All “Fouled” Up Skybridge pedestrian walkway to Bryn Mawr commuter station More

Chris Hedges: Fascism Comes to America

Eighty million eligible voters did not vote in the last presidential election, no doubt because they did not expect much to change in their lives whoever was in office. And they were probably right.

Caitlin Johnstone: Pay Attention To The Everyday Horrors

Pay Attention To The Everyday Horrors By CAITLIN JOHNSTONE Substack.com  September 9, 2023 Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): Have you ever noticed how the criticisms that both mainstream US political factions make about their opposition tend to be cartoonish exaggerations and whole cloth lies with little or no More

Errors of Omission: Rage Against the War Machine March and Rally

All these issues matter: gun control, gay and trans rights, women’s rights (above all to control our own bodies), racism, homelessness, poverty, labor/union rights, police brutality, hunger, health care…the list is long. Yet if we do not have a livable planet all these struggles will be moot.

Chris Hedges: America’s Theater of the Absurd

Governance exists. But it is not seen. It is certainly not democratic. It is done by the armies of lobbyists and corporate executives, from the fossil fuel industry, the arms industry, the pharmaceutical industry and Wall Street. Governance happens in secret.

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