Henry Giroux | Trump’s attack on democracy will fail
Trump hopes to “dismantle all aspects of American democracy,” says radical thinker. But resistance can defeat him.
Trump hopes to “dismantle all aspects of American democracy,” says radical thinker. But resistance can defeat him.
Would Facebook ever dare censor American politicians or journalists who use social media to call for violence against America’s enemies? To ask the question is to answer it.
It’s Time to Nationalize the Internet To counter the FCC’s attack on net neutrality, we need to start treating the Internet like the public good it is. Network cables are plugged in a server room on November 10, 2014 in New York City. U.S. President Barack Obama called on the Federal Communications Commission to implement More
Those who speak in the language of truth and fact are attacked as liars, traitors and purveyors of “fake news.”
Those who speak in the language of truth and fact are attacked as liars, traitors and purveyors of “fake news.”
MSNBC is a hopped-up Cold War cover band, and its two lead singers are Maddow and Hayes.
WHY DOES THIS MATTER SO MUCH? For so many significant reasons...
The damage to women is incalculable. The numbers, so large, they numb. [the] spectrum of sexist violence functions exclusively to diminish women: by intimidation and fear that restrict female experience, by the denial of females’ humanness, by the propagation of denigrating images and messages, and by the creation of subjugating dynamics that ensnare women in abusive relationships.
"The minute you start defining human identity away from the idea of engagement and citizenship, and more in terms of consumption, then everything becomes a product to be sold."
It is not hard to imagine a dialogue between Mediacrat, Psyops, Politician and Think Tanker – perhaps sitting around during a coffee break at the annual Bilderberg get together. By Diana Johnstone Global Research November 18, 2017 Region: Russia and FSU, USA Theme: Media Disinformation Mediacrat: We know the sheeple are stupid and believe everything we tell them over More
If you are a supporter of fast, fair, open, and affordable networks, November will be a bad month. And December will be, too. So, keep calling your representatives and senators and tell them that you oppose pretty much everything this FCC is doing.
Ed was the main author of "Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media," written with Noam Chomsky