Why Trump is Facing Impeacement, by Roger D. Harris
[Trump] had kvetched about the plight of US workers and made some noise about ending unending wars, but was he for real?
[Trump] had kvetched about the plight of US workers and made some noise about ending unending wars, but was he for real?
The original doctrine of socialism meant government ownership of the means of production—heavy industries, railroads, banks, and the like. Nobody in national politics today is suggesting such a takeover. As one quipster put it, “How can Washington take ownership of the banks when the banks own Washington?” Consumer rights advocate and former presidential candidate Ralph More
Among other topics, Ayana and Chris discuss wealth inequality, deindustrialization and the rise of the gig economy, the birth of fascism and Christian fundamentalism, and the fusion of corporate and government power under the reigning umbrella of the security state. Photo: Chris Gold For the Wild World interviews journalist and author Chris Hedges who guides More
Donald J. Trump: Nobody disobeys my orders.
The conference stressed that in going forward, there is the need for unity in what is global strife and an international struggle; the need for networking, both at the conference and beyond; and education about U.S. military bases and militarism. The slide show, prepared by Sue Ann Martinson, is an overview of the conference. For More
It’s truly mind-numbing to watch so-called “liberals” march in lockstep with the likes of John Bolton, Elliot Abrams, Donald Trump and every neocon not currently in a coma.
“You can’t talk about hope until you can see reality and reality is pretty bleak, but that’s the starting point.”
Still, don’t for a second imagine that Donald Trump won’t be remembered. He will -- into the distant future in a way that no other American president is likely to be.
The key point is that when it comes to recent American wars, the Times offers coverage without perspective.
The compartmentalized mind is a colonized mind.
[The oligarchs] seek... a mechanism to continue to exploit desperate workers earning subsistence wages and whom they can hire and fire at will.