David Swanson | Police Brutality against Blacks Rooted in US Foreign Policy
Highlighting the role the Israeli military plays in the training of US law enforcement forces, Swanson related the shooting culture to US foreign policy.
Highlighting the role the Israeli military plays in the training of US law enforcement forces, Swanson related the shooting culture to US foreign policy.
The head of the United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent compared police killings of African-Americans in the United States to lynchings.
It’s hard to win the hearts and minds of the people you are killing.
...in the 40 years that I have known Dave Skeie, I have never known a single person who did not like him, such was the power he had to connect with people, often people very different from himself.
The U.S. military’s Pacific Pivot includes the use of Philippine military bases, increasing tension with China.
Articles about the Middle East. Click the title of each article to read the full article. Found on the link on the RiseUpTimes.org page. Regularly updated. Also visit the WAMM Middle East Committee website here for information and articles. +++ Telesur English Click the image to view Israel's 2014 Gaza Massacre. +++ A few of More
From 2006 to June 30th of this year B’Tselem found Israel demolished more than 1,113 Palestinian homes in the West Bank, making homeless 5,199, of whom 2,602 are children.
Poet Amy Sara Carroll wrote a series of 24 poems, titled “The Desert Survival Series/La serie de sobrevivencia del desierto,” which were uploaded onto cellphones equipped with simple compasses and interfaces. Each poem is a form of lyrical advice that provides readers and listeners with tools for every hour of a day spent in the pernicious borderlands between the U.S. and Mexico.
...that’s unfortunate that they’re really using everything that’s happening across our country to blame Black Lives Matter. And I don’t agree with that at all. It’s really unfortunate that that’s happening and that these trials are being used to attack Black Lives Matter.
We are fighting for a world in which death at the hands of senseless violence -- including the violence of the state or vigilantes, and the poisoning of the planet by pollution and war -- is a distant memory of an antiquated society long ago.
You do not condemn these cops; to do so, you would have to condemn the culture that produced them — the same culture that produced you. Black people will continue to die at the hands of cops as long as we deny that whiteness can be more important in explaining those cops’ behavior than the dangerous circumstances they face.
Around 52 percent of Latinos in the nation claim to have been ill-treated because of their race or ethnicity, in a country that has 56.6 million Latinos, according to the survey.