The People Who Made a Nuclear-Weapons-Prohibition Treaty Possible
The people behind the Nobel Peace Prize: ICAN - Abolish Nuclear Weapons
The people behind the Nobel Peace Prize: ICAN - Abolish Nuclear Weapons
Is there a group of human beings so evil that they don’t deserve human rights? The International Red Cross [ICRC] does not think so.
Is there a group of human beings so evil that they don’t deserve human rights? The International Red Cross [ICRC] does not think so.
On a Sunday afternoon in November, Dr. Mona El-Farra spoke with an audience in Minneapolis via Skype from Manchester, England,
On a Sunday afternoon in November, Dr. Mona El-Farra spoke with an audience in Minneapolis via Skype from Manchester, England,
Her peace message was part of her intrinsic being, and her presence will be missed by all who knew her.
At least five Minnesota men were among those scheduled for deportation.
Rid the world of nuclear weapons! Play the Peace Doves Game The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Brought to you by Media for the people! Learn more about Rise Up Times and how to sustain People Supported News. Follow RiseUpTimes on Twitter RiseUpTimes @touchpeace No Peace! No Justice! Please share this post. The contents of Rise More
The damage to women is incalculable. The numbers, so large, they numb. [the] spectrum of sexist violence functions exclusively to diminish women: by intimidation and fear that restrict female experience, by the denial of females’ humanness, by the propagation of denigrating images and messages, and by the creation of subjugating dynamics that ensnare women in abusive relationships.
Mahatma Gandhi’s program of nonviolent resistance, satyagraha, had two components: obstructive resistance and constructive programs.
Mahatma Gandhi’s program of nonviolent resistance, satyagraha, had two components: obstructive resistance and constructive programs.
The message of the consumer society, pumped out over flat screen televisions, computers and smartphones, to those trapped at the bottom of society is loud and unrelenting: You are a failure. Popular culture celebrates those who wallow in power, wealth and self-obsession and perpetuates the lie that if you work hard and are clever you too More