Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald and Chris Hedges on NSA Leaks, Assange and Protecting a Free Internet
Ho, ho, ho, ho
"When the wars intensified, the authority to approve strikes was pushed further down the chain of command, even as an overwhelming majority of strikes were carried out in the heat of war, and not planned far in advance."
“We don’t have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.” ― Howard Zinn
"What's left to trust and rely upon? Unorganized people organizing. What else!"
"If [Assange is] found guilty it will effectively criminalize the investigative work of all journalists and publishers, anywhere in the world and of any nationality, who possess classified documents to shine a light on the inner workings of power. This mortal assault on the press will have been orchestrated, we must not forget, by a Democratic administration. It will set a legal precedent that will delight other totalitarian regimes and autocrats who, emboldened by the United States,.."
Two minutes of outright lies.
"The Epstein case is important because, however much is being covered up, it is a window into the scourge of male violence that explodes in decayed cultures, fueled by widening income disparities, the collapse of the social contract and the grotesque entitlement that comes with celebrity, political power, and wealth."
$778 BILLION Military Budget Approved (military madness); Hedges and Brown: Inverted Totalitarianism, Nature of Neoliberalism; Code Pink: Cost of War at Home; Nader: Corporate Crimes in Corporate State; COP26 Fails, and more…
The court,did not accept that this was a politically motivated case or address the ramifications for all who publish classified material.
“What possible justification is there for throwing $768 billion at the Pentagon..."
Take a look at 65 recent searing books about corporate violence and malfeasance, crushing influence over our electoral and political systems, and expanding immunities from law enforcement and public accountability.