Victory at Zucotti Park

Published: Friday 14 October 2011  NationofChange Exclusive

The NationofChange team reports from Zuccotti Park, where early Friday morning it was announced that the eviction of the occupiers would not take place.


Last night we pub­lished a spe­cial call to ac­tion urg­ing our read­ers to oc­cupy Zuc­cotti Park early this morn­ing to de­fend the com­mu­nity from what seemed to many an ef­fort to evict the pro­test­ers and end the oc­cu­pa­tion. Mayor Bloomberg had an­nounced that the oc­cu­piers must leave the park from 7am to 7pm this morn­ing al­legedly so that the city could clean the area. Yes­ter­day, at the OWS Gen­eral As­sem­bly it was de­cided that the oc­cu­piers would them­selves clean the park in ad­di­tion to al­lo­cat­ing $3,000 in GA funds to hire pro­fes­sional clean­ers. Through­out the day and well into the night the pro­test­ers put this plan into ac­tion.

We at­tended an­other smaller meet­ing last night (though this was sev­eral blocks away from Zuc­cotti Park, there were at least ten po­lice of­fi­cers pre­sent), in which the pro­test­ers pre­pared the strat­egy for this morn­ing’s event. Vol­un­teers were given the op­por­tu­nity for as­sign­ment in var­i­ous roles, some of which re­quired train­ing. Roles in­cluded col­umn (link­ing arm to arm to form a bar­rier), es­cort, jail sup­port, media wran­gler, and oth­ers and were clas­si­fied as ei­ther “ar­restable” or not, giv­ing vol­un­teers fair warn­ing of the like­li­hood of ar­rest.

As we joined this morn­ing’s meet­ing in the cen­ter of the park, the ten­sion was pal­pa­ble. Dozens of uni­formed and un­known num­bers of un­der­cover NYPD po­lice of­fi­cers sur­rounded the square, and nearby vans filled with SWAT of­fi­cers stood by.  We were amazed to watch as an in­creas­ingly large crowd con­tin­ued to file in from all parts of the coun­try and be­yond in num­bers which ap­peared to ex­ceed three thou­sand.

As the Gen­eral As­sem­bly pre­pared the crowd at large for the up­com­ing act of civil dis­obe­di­ence, var­i­ous sce­nar­ios and op­tions were of­fered. We could form a col­umn sur­round­ing the park and form­ing a first line of de­fense, we could re­main in the cen­ter of the park (this is what our team had de­cided to do), or we could cross the street and offer moral sup­port to the oc­cu­piers.

The en­ergy of the crowd was in­fec­tious and each of us found our­selves in­spired to defy the au­thor­ity gath­er­ing against our bor­ders. As we pre­pared our­selves for the on­com­ing as­sault it was dif­fi­cult not to re­call de­scrip­tions of siege war­fare of the Eu­ro­pean mid­dle ages. In typ­i­cal melo­dra­matic fash­ion, it was at this in­stant when break­ing news was echoed across the human mi­cro­phone sys­tem (tra­di­tional voice am­pli­fi­ca­tion being pro­hib­ited), an­nounc­ing that the Park’s own­ers, Brook­field Prop­er­ties, had de­cided to “post­pone the clean­ing of the park.”

The crowd broke out into enor­mous cheers, and ap­plause. Many began recit­ing chants such as: “the peo­ple / united / will never be de­feated” and oth­ers began to sing, dance, and some could be seen shed­ding tears of joy. A con­sid­er­able ef­fort by those in power was made to re­move the pro­test­ers from their oc­cu­pa­tion and that ef­fort was de­feated. At least for the time being, the peo­ple hold Lib­erty Square and are now cel­e­brat­ing their vic­tory on Broad­way and Wall Street.

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  1. wammtoday October 18, 2011 at 11:26 PM

    Thank you. It’s nice to be appreciated. We appreciate your letting us know!
    The WAMM Media Committee

  2. Stephen October 17, 2011 at 11:16 PM

    Thanks wammtoday for this super site. Seems like there\\\’s always something new I learn even after being in the field for 10 years.

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