Nygaard Notes
Independent Periodic News and Analysis
Number 552, April 27, 2014
On the Web at http://www.nygaardnotes.org/
******GRAB BAG
1. “Quote” of the Week: “Large oil spills are never cleaned up.”
2. Energy Costs Outside of “The Market”
3. The “Grand Bargain” is Dead!
4. Seeing is Not Believing in Ukraine
****** CLIMATE
1. “Quote” of the Week: “Two Inescapable Facts”
2. No Debate: Climate Change is Happening
3. “What We Know: The Reality, Risks, and Response to Climate Change”
4. Climate Change, Doubt, and Thought Systems
5. Placement, Emphasis, and Tone: The Media’s PET
1. “Quotes” of the Week: 1. Hypocrisy; 2. Media
2. Hypocrisy That Knows No Bounds: Kerry on War
3. Neocons, Europe, and the Geopolitics of Ukraine
4. What to Do Before Reading the Front Pages (Ukraine Version)
5. Resources for Ukraine Self-Education
Now available on the Web at http://www.nygaardnotes.org/