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Published on Nov 22, 2013

From videomaker Bill Sorem:  Polly Mann, a giant in our time, the co-founder of WAMM (Women Against Military Madness) and a tireless peacemaker, talks about the beginning days of WAMM and what’s happening today. Polly has inspired and enthused hundreds, perhaps thousands. She sat for a long interview with me and I was able to find a number of relevant clips.

She co-founded and named WAMM. She’s devoted much of her life to peace and to shining a spotlight on the military madness of our country. The cost in dollars and morals, the horror of mass killing of men, women and children; all to fatten the coffers of a handful of greedy traitors.

She appeared on the Phil Donahue show, she turned down Oprah (the subject was going to be Communist Housewives), she ran for Senate, she was arrested for her courage. She said that later she wished they had gone on the Oprah show to laugh at their silliness. She reads and writes without ceasing. A southern lady from Arkansas adopted Minnesota as her home and pulpit.

She speaks with passion and enthusiasm, never a malevolent word. Hers is a wonderful story of peace and joy.

RantingBill RantingBill  High definition version

By Published On: November 25th, 2013Comments Off on [Video] Polly Mann Reminisces About Peace, WAMM and Life

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