Nygaard Notes
Independent Periodic News and Analysis
Number 499, January 6, 2012
This Week: Iraq and the Three Wars
1. “Quotes” of the Week
2. The End of the Mythical War in Iraq
3. The Propaganda War
4. The Real War
5. The Suffering of the People of Iraq
When we think about the U.S. withdrawal of troops from Iraq, it would be good to think about all three of the wars that are part of this discussion: The Mythical War, the Propaganda War, and the Real War. Two of these wars are nothing but illusion and, not surprisingly, are the ones that are discussed in public. The Real War is the only one that is not discussed in public. In this issue of the Notes, I take a brief look at all three of them.
Next week will be the 500th issue of Nygaard Notes. I find this difficult to believe, but I have been numbering each issue consecutively as I put them out, so it must be true. The first issue came out on September 5, 1998. Still going strong.
Coincidentally, it’s also the beginning of a new year, so next week I’ll publish my annual Nygaard Notes Year in Review issue, where I take a look at what we saw in the past year’s worth of Notes. It helps me gather my thoughts, it marks the beginning of the new year, and it gives new subscribers a glimpse of what they missed and thus a hint of what to expect. That’ll be next week. For now, a look at Iraq and the Three Wars.
Happy New Year!
1.“Quotes” of the Week
“Quote” #1: