Kathy Kelly: Afghanistan and the Arab Spring. Monday, October 3, 7:00 p.m.Macalester Plymouth United Church, 1658 Lincoln Avenue (adjacent to Macalester College), St. Paul.
Kathy Kelly will draw on her experiences in Afghanistan and Pakistan, to discuss the wave of uprisings in the Middle East—masses of ordinary people gathering together demanding respect for human rights. She will talk about what westerners can learn from the peoples’ movements and how U.S. people can address the staggering expense of our defense spending and release money for human needs.
On Sat., Dec. 12, 2009, Kathy Kelly was one of the featured speakers at the emergency “End-the-U.S.-Wars” rally. See, for background:http://www.enduswars.org/ The spirited event was held in Lafayette Park, opposite the White House.