War Abolition 201: New Online Course Begins February 26! (Video)

https://youtu.be/OLFFnyc98Us WorldBeyondWar.org  Published on Jan 9, 2018 Join World Beyond War for "War Abolition 201: Building the Alternative Global Security System." Our new online course runs the week of February 26 – April 16, 2018. Sign-up today! sign-up here: http://www.classroom.worldbeyondwar.org/ With what do we replace the war system (aka the military-industrial-corporate-governmental complex)? What truly makes More

Kayaktivist Action at Pentagon (Video)

A flotilla of Kayaktivists launch a banner protest at the Pentagon. They are drawing attention to the worlds largest institutional consumer of petroleum, the worlds largest institutional polluter, and the U.S. largest consumer of money and natural resources. They advocate for the reallocation of budget for peaceful renewable investment. https://youtu.be/1_rQiLgQM3g?t=64 Part of the WorldBeyondWar.org conference More

No More War (Music Video) and Action, North Korea

https://youtu.be/vTChuoN2Rkk With Trump ramping up threats against North Korea, we need to take action to abolish war and urge diplomacy now more than ever! An event  happened in DC here.  You can organize a vigil in your own area. We have flyers and sign-up sheets to download here. Let's flood the White House with calls between 9 am to More

“No More War!” chants disrupt Democrats’ Convention

Neither big party convention in the United States has expressed any interest in ending war, outside of that wonderful chanting. We're going to be needing a powerful global peace movement to control U.S. warmongering. Help us build it by attending No War 2016: http://worldbeyondwar.org/NoWar2016

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