“Wounds of War”: the VA health care system and why we all need it

This important discussion necessary for all of us to hear around attempts to privatize the VA, opposed by most Veterans groups, describes the work of the VA not only for Veterans but the everyday things we use developed in their research area, among other work by the VA. The VA gets a bad name--yet Suzanne Gordon advocates that the VA is the best model for an effective National Health Care system. The attempts to discount the work of the VA and privatize it are nothing more than more capitalistic greed--more capitalism on steroids.

Veterans’ Group Says “No” to Emmy for PBS Vietnam War Series

Nowhere in 18 hours of programming does the G.I. resistance movement merit mention and “instead of honoring the civilian peace movement for its accomplishments, activists are generally belittled as self-interested and self-indulgent, with stress on its supposed deep antagonism toward American soldiers,” the ad protests.

ACTION: Ban Nuclear Weapons!

Taking action is extremely important, especially in light of talk to withdrawal from the Iran deal and provocations of the U.S. toward North Korea.

Chuck Turchick | Comments on the Upcoming Vietnam War Series on PBS

Our actions may have been closer to the acts of Nazi Germany than we would like to admit. Both governments perpetrated imperialist, racist, and genocidal policies.    Editor's Note: Beginning on September 17th at 7 pm on TPT (Channel 2, Minnesota), PBS will be showing the Ken Burns series on the Vietnam War. Already a More

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