Henry A. Giroux | Higher Education and the Promise of Insurgent Public Memory

Giroux: The current historical moment calls for a politics that is transnational in its scope, global in its sense of responsibility and capable of creating new democratic public spheres in which it becomes possible to show private troubles can be connected to larger social issues, and public connections and modes of solidarity can be sustained beyond the private sphere. Only then will the promise and possibility of creating a radical global commons in the service of a radical democracy come into view.

TomDispatch> Rebecca Solnit, The Archipelago of Arrogance

The Archipelago of Arrogance Men Explain Things to Me> Facts Didn’t Get in Their Way  Posted by Rebecca Solnit at 2:31pm, August 19, 2012. One evening over dinner, I began to joke, as I often had before, about writing an essay called “Men Explain Things to Me.” Every writer has a stable of ideas that never make it More

TomDispatch> Rebecca Solnit, The Archipelago of Arrogance

The Archipelago of Arrogance Men Explain Things to Me> Facts Didn’t Get in Their Way  Posted by Rebecca Solnit at 2:31pm, August 19, 2012. One evening over dinner, I began to joke, as I often had before, about writing an essay called “Men Explain Things to Me.” Every writer has a stable of ideas that never make it More

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