Caitlin Johnstone: Pay Attention To The Everyday Horrors

Pay Attention To The Everyday Horrors By CAITLIN JOHNSTONE  September 9, 2023 Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): Have you ever noticed how the criticisms that both mainstream US political factions make about their opposition tend to be cartoonish exaggerations and whole cloth lies with little or no More

Wrecking the Left: Chris Hedges with Diana Johstone

Chris Hedges talks to journalist Diana Johnstone about the betrayal of the Left with its historical role as the champion of social justice and peace now replaced with the boutique activism of identify politics, political correctness and what has become known as humanitarian intervention, the justification of US and NATO adventurism and wars on the specious belief it would liberate the women of Afghanistan or the peoples of Iraq.

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