Henry A. Giroux: The War on Terrorism Targets Democracy Itself

Giroux: Notions of democracy increasingly appear to be giving way to the discourse of revenge, domestic security, stupidity and war. The political reality that has emerged since the shattering crisis of 9/11 increasingly points to a set of narrow choices that are being largely set by the jingoistic right-wing extremists, the US Defense Department and conservative-funded foundations, and fueled by the dominant media. War and violence now function as an aphrodisiac for a public inundated with commodities and awash in celebrity culture idiocy.

Henry Giroux: Beyond Orwellian Nightmares and Neoliberal Authoritarianism

Those who fight against neoliberalism must not settle for reforming a system that is as broken as it is dangerous. Any viable, transformative struggle will need a boldly democratic vision; durable, longstanding organizations and strategies that make politics meaningful. To be corrupted by totalitarianism, one does not have to live in a totalitarian country.   —George More

▶ Henry Giroux: Neoliberalism, Youth and Social Justice

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/88171992] In a special interview, Truthout contributor Henry Giroux takes us back to the basics of what can be seen as an ongoing and accelerating war between the rich and everyone else, an event that has resulted in a mass inability “to translate private troubles into larger structural public considerations.” Subscribe or “Follow” us on RiseUpTimes.org. Rise More

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