Diana Johnstone: The Imperialism of Foolery

"The real existing conflict in Syria today is not between Bachar al Assad and 65 exiled intellectuals.  Proclaiming “support” for Westernized intellectual opponents of Assad is totally irrelevant to the existing situation. "

We Are Women and We Are Marching (Music Video)

Two videos by Betsy Rose, "We Are Women and We Are Marching" and "Coming Into My Years" https://youtu.be/gH_hDKVlu5I Bella Ciao is a traditional anti-fascist song that has lyrics adapted to the Women's March by Susan Terris and Betsy Rose Mindful Peacebuilding   Published on Jan 31, 2017 https://youtu.be/pGs51eyARRA COMING INTO MY YEARS by Betsy Rose Well, More

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