Bruce Gagnon: Who Values Life the Most?

One familiar refrain from politicians... Young boy in Syria sleeps between the graves of his parents Bruce Gagnon  Organizing Notes  August 10, 2014 One familiar refrain from politicians and media in the US is that 'we value life' more than others around the world This is of course totally ridiculous absurd and spin intended to provide More

Peter Hart: Leaving Beltway Journalism, Revealing Its Shortcomings

By Peter Hart  FAIR BLOG  March 04, 2014 Robert Kaiser (cc photo: Aspen Institute) Veteran journalist Robert Kaiser is leaving the Washington Post–and, for that matter, the city–and he wrote a farewell of sorts in the Post  (2/28/14). In it, he revealed one of his frustrations as a Beltway journalist: that the "rules" of elite journalism do not allow one to call More

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