Defusing the Ever-Present Threat of Nuclear War, with a range of presenters calling for nuclear disarmament

THE ABSOLUTE IMPERATIVE OF PARTNERSHIP NOW. We have the need the opportunity to reduce carbon emissions as a global mobilization. But to do that we need some dialogue serious dialogue, we need partnership. We can't have this rhetoric, what I call a Manichaean rhetoric, that we're good and they're bad. We have to accept the world: It's not pretty and we all have flaws, and we can argue about who is worse or who is better but that's not the point. The point is we have to partner with China, with Russia, with India, with Brazil, with a lot of countries we have massive disagreements with, but whatever those disagreements are the climate continues to warm as it is. We're putting more greenhouse gas into the atmosphere every day, and it's going to last in many cases for hundreds of years. This is another disaster and we've got to mobilize. We can have more than a million people in Central Park again: We need people all over the world, and we need to wake people up to the problem substantively but with the absolute imperative of partnership now. Jerry Brown, Executive Chair of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

The Ecology of War

Ecological effects of war in Ukraine and war in general: The overweening and unconscionable plodding response of industry will take years! We have the tools with solar panels and wind energy, but the war and gas and oil industries with inexcusable help from Washington/Congress are blocking the swift action needed. Nor is nuclear power a solution.

The global nuclear bargain, by Paul R. Pillar

"The late political scientist Kenneth Waltz argued that nuclear weapons can generally be a good thing because fear of the cataclysmic consequences of a war breaking out can make resort to war less likely. But that always has been a minority view."

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