Matt Taibbi: The New Kremlinology: Reading the New York Times

With censorship soaring and real reporting all but taboo, the major dailies have just one important function left: being a political signaling system The New Kremlinology: Reading the New York Times by Matt Taibbi  Substack  July 12, 2022 The New York Times has declared the President’s age acceptable for discussion. On Monday, the New York Times ran More

It’s Different, They’re White: Media Ignore Conflicts Around the World to Focus on Ukraine

"Who is the perpetrator Who is the victim If the perpetrator is our enemy, and there is political capital to be made from highlighting their crime, then the media will deem the victim “worthy”  — especially if the victim is a pro-U.S. figure. If, however, you die at the hands of the U.S. or its allies, you can expect little sympathy or coverage from the media, especially if you are a Communist, Muslim, or any other designation that renders you unworthy of media attention."

Matt Taibbi: Meet the Censored — Chris Hedges

"Biden is a classic example of the traditional elites, who now are completely out of touch. Remember, he’s built an alliance with the traditional establishment of the Republican party, the old Liz Cheneys, and Bill Kristol, and all these people, who are appalled by the kind of cult-like Republican party that’s built up around Trump."

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