Chris Hedges | Humans on a RAMPAGE

The technical and scientific forces that created a life of unparalleled luxury as well as unrivaled military and economic power for a small Global Elite are the forces that now Doom us...

Chris Hedges: The Puppets and the Puppet Masters

From its inception, the CIA carried out assassinations, coups, torture, and illegal spying and abuse, including that of U.S. citizens, activities exposed in 1975 by the Church Committee hearings in the Senate and the Pike Committee hearings in the House. All these crimes, especially after the attacks of 9/11, have returned with a vengeance.

John Kiriakou: Don’t Charge Trump with Espionage

Scrap the Espionage Act Nobody should face the charge unless they are working for a foreign power and mean harm to the United States. March 29, 2019: Marine One lifts-off after returning President Donald J. Trump to Mar-a-Lago. (White House, Joyce N. Boghosian)   By John Kiriakou / Consortium News  ScheerPost  August 29, 2022   Former President More

Chris Hedges: The Triumph of Death

The rage of the betrayed is articulated by imbecilic demagogues vomited up from the social and political swamp. Corporations and the billionaire class will continue to exploit, but under a cruder and crueler authoritarianism. The social, political, economic, and environmental breakdown will accelerate.

Chris Hedges: American Commissars

The convergence of a looming economic crisis, fear by a bankrupt ruling class that they will soon be banished from power, the growing ecological catastrophe and the inability to thwart self-destructive military adventurism against Russia and China, have set the stage for an American implosion.

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