Masculinity Metaphors Dominate Mainstream Media Coverage of Election

The frequent use of boxing and football metaphors in political discourse did not cause violence to become such an important force in our politics, but this usage is one measure of how presidential campaigns can be less about policy differences and complex political agendas than they can be about the selling of a certain kind of executive masculinity, embodied in a particular man whom the public comes to know largely through television and other technologies of mass communication.

▶ Breaking the Set: Chris Hedges Part II: The Military Mind & the Antidote to Defeatism

[youtube=] Published on Feb 7, 2014 WATCH PART I: Abby Martin features Part 2 of her interview with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Chris Hedges, discussing the unsustainable nature of the economic system, the military mind in solving world problems, and the antidote to defeatism.  breakingtheset Subscribe or “Follow” us on Rise Up Times is also on Facebook! Check the More

▶ Breaking the Set: Chris Hedges Part II: The Military Mind & the Antidote to Defeatism

[youtube=] Published on Feb 7, 2014 WATCH PART I: Abby Martin features Part 2 of her interview with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Chris Hedges, discussing the unsustainable nature of the economic system, the military mind in solving world problems, and the antidote to defeatism.  breakingtheset Subscribe or “Follow” us on Rise Up Times is also on Facebook! Check the More

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