Matt Taibbi: Orwell Was Right

The U.S. is censoring media, which affects our access to information. This outright censorship is a slippery slope could too easily lead directly to state censorship of media in the U.S. and is frightening in relation to freedom of the press/media/speech, the cornerstone of American democracy.

The Terror of the Unforeseen: Rethinking the Normalization of Fascism in the Post-Truth Era, by Henry A. Giroux

In a searing takedown of the populist authoritarian vision of America, The Terror of the Unforeseen tackles the resurgence of fascism in the age of Donald Trump's presidency. Through the mendacious exchange of facts for "fake news," Henry A. Giroux examines the language of hatred that activates neoliberal fascism, complete with state-sanctioned racism, casino capitalism, and fear-mongering at federal and local levels. 

How a NeoCon-Backed “Fact Checker” Plans to Wage War on Independent Media

Newsguard gives Fox News high marks for accuracy. ...examination of this organization reveals that it is funded by and deeply connected to the U.S. government, neo-conservatives, and powerful monied interests, all of whom have been working overtime since the 2016 election to silence dissent to American forever-wars and corporate-led oligarchy.

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