The Drone Papers | Part 3: The Kill Chain

Currier: The study, carried out by the Pentagon’s Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Task Force, illuminates and in some cases contradicts the administration’s public description of a campaign directed at high-level terrorists who pose an imminent threat to the United States. It admits frankly that capturing terrorists is a rare occurrence and hints at the use of so-called signature strikes against unknown individuals exhibiting suspicious behavior.

The Drone Papers | Part 2: A Visual Glossary

Begley: The first bomb dropped from an airplane exploded in an oasis outside Tripoli on November 1, 1911. grenade. ... One hundred years later, the bombing is done by pilotless planes. They are controlled remotely, often half a world away. We have come to call them “drones.” On the inside, people call them “birds.”

The Drone Papers | Part 1: The Assassination Complex

Scahill: The source said he decided to provide these documents to The Intercept because he believes the public has a right to understand the process by which people are placed on kill lists and ultimately assassinated on orders from the highest echelons of the U.S. government.

New Leaks Reveal Dark Details of U.S. Drone Program

Secret military documents expose the inner workings of Obama's Drone Wars  October 15, 2015 jules 2000 / Shutterstock Targeted killings carried out by unmanned drones, though still very controversial, have become a fixture of U.S. foreign policy. On Thursday, The Intercept published a report, “The Drone Papers,” which gives the public a close look More

Sonali Kolhatkar: We Have Failed Afghanistan Again and Again

Kolhatkar: In the 14 years it has occupied Afghanistan, America’s longest war has achieved mostly bloodshed. Despite spending billions of dollars—the U.S. offered its largest share of foreign aid to Afghans last year—there is little to show for it. Nearly $10 billion was spent on arming and training Afghan forces. But as the dismal state of the Afghan National Army shows, that money may as well have been poured down the drain.

Mark Fiore: Commander-in-Drone

Fiore: Remember a couple years ago, when Obama said we’d shape up his drone program and achieve “near certainty” that civilians wouldn’t be killed and signature strikes would basically end? Turns out that’s not quite true. There were some pretty huge asterisks that were attached to his proclamation.

Wendell Berry: A Pacifist Protest Against the Peaceful Drone

Berry The drones were not as precise as I had hoped, for they sometimes miss the designated enemy and hit an innocent bystander—the sort of operator’s error that we must classify as normal. The enemies of peace resent these errors just as much as we peace-lovers would. And so the drones have very likely made more enemies than they have killed.

▶ Noam Chomsky: The U.S. Is Trying to Put an End to Its Extreme Isolation

The renowned activist and linguist weighs in on the recent shift in relations between Cuba and the United States, as well as drone strikes in Yemen and the activities of the leftist parties Syriza and Podemos in Greece and Spain, among other current events, in an interview on RT’s “Going Underground.”  April 18, 2015 More

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