Chris Hedges Speaks on ‘American Sadism’

"What is taking place is not neglect. It is not ineptitude. It is not policy failure. It is social murder. It is murder because it is premeditated. It is murder because a conscious choice was made by the global ruling classes to extinguish life rather than protect it. It is murder because profit, despite the hard statistics, the growing climate disruptions, and the scientific modeling, is deemed more important than human survival."

Tomgram: John Feffer, The Far Right’s War on Culture

How to Displace the Great Replacement It Really Does Boil Down to Us Versus Them Posted by John Feffer Tom Dispatch  October 20, 2019. Here’s a simple, if grim, reality: we are living in an ever more extreme world, as the residents of significant parts of California undoubtedly realized recently when the electricity went off amid ever increasing More

Bruce Gagnon: The Killing Culture

 By Bruce Gagnon  Organizing Notes  August 17, 2014   The Killing Culture Why? Because we can we want to feel powerful and dominant that's what we do in this culture We are taught to win at all cost we can kill them fast or we can kill them slow Our mission our job our role More

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