Free Trade or Just Green Trade? by John Feffer

According to a map of excess nitrogen per hectare of cropland, countries like China, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, and Venezuela are using more nitrogen for fertilizers than the crops can even absorb. “This excess contributes to more emissions and causes other problems, for instance with run-off into waterways,” she continues. “The incentives right now in the agricultural system are for extreme overproduction, especially around commodity crops, like corn, soybeans, and wheat, which require these cheap chemical inputs.”

Chris Hedges: America’s Theater of the Absurd

Governance exists. But it is not seen. It is certainly not democratic. It is done by the armies of lobbyists and corporate executives, from the fossil fuel industry, the arms industry, the pharmaceutical industry and Wall Street. Governance happens in secret.

Chris Hedges: The Politicians Who Destroyed Our Democracy Want Us to Vote for Them to Save It

These establishment politicians and their appointed  judges promulgated laws that permitted the top 1 percent to loot $54 trillion from the bottom 90 percent, from 1975 to 2022, at a rate of $2.5 trillion a year, according to a study by the RAND corporation. The fertile ground of our political, economic, cultural and social wreckage spawned an array of neo-fascists, con artists, racists, criminals, charlatans, conspiracy theorists, right-wing militias and demagogues that will soon take power.

The Truth Behind the Headlines with Lee Camp and Abby Martin

Lee Camp speaks with Abby Martin, a cutting-edge investigative journalist and host of Empire Files who calls out the US war machine. Lee then discusses how the systems that rely on our ignorance are now trying to come up with ways to keep us dumb.   ◊   ◊   ◊   ◊   ◊   ◊   ◊  More

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